Cononley's primary school is converting to academy status and becoming part of the Yorkshire Collaborative Academy Trust from 1st January 2025.
Nearby primary schools in Bradley and Lothersdale are already part of the same Multi-Academy Trust (MAT), which also includes primaries across North Yorkshire including in Threshfield, Leyburn, Hawes, Askwith, Darley, Summerbridge, Osmotherley and Bilton Grange in Harrogate.
Cononley Community Primary is currently rated as 'Good' by Ofsted.
Skipton MP Sir Julian Smith has welcomed the news. He said:
"This change represents a significant opportunity for the school to build on its existing strengths and to benefit from the support and collaboration that comes with joining the Yorkshire Collaborative Academy Trust.
“I am hopeful that this transition will further improve the educational provision for the pupils and contribute positively to the community."