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Skipton woman promotes safety with 'Pink Ladies Taxi'

Amberine Nawaz launched 'Pink Ladies Taxi' in Skipton last year.

A new Skipton taxi firm is providing a safe service for customers.

Last October, 44-year-old Amberine Nawaz launched 'Pink Ladies Taxi'. 

It was launched as a private hir company which aims to provide "safety, reliability, and affordability" to passengers.

Amberine said:

"We specialise in ladies-only, disability and regular driving services.

"This consists of female drivers for ladies and children who may feel more at ease with the warm, gentle, and comforting persona of female drivers who are experienced within disabilities and their individual requirements."

Amberine aims to expand her services to other areas in Yorkshire but for now, is predominantly based in Skipton.

Pink female-only taxis have been used elsewhere including in Nottingham where Think Pink was launched in 2022.

They pride themselves on being wheelchair-accessible and pet-friendly.

Their staff are trained in all aspects of disabilities, illness and manual handling equipment.

If you are interested in the service, you can call them at 07728 386517 or email

For more information visit their Facebook page here.

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