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Narrow Boat to host beer festival

The Narrow Boat in Skipton is celebrating its first anniversary as part of Kirkstall Brewery, with a free-to-attend Beer Festival held at the pub on 29th and 30th June.

The festival will feature an exciting new menu of street food, live music and 34 lines of craft beer and real ale.

The pub's General Manager Dan Steel said: "After a great year under the ownership of Kirkstall Brewery, we decided it was time to celebrate, with a festival to contribute to the amazing beer culture here in Skipton!"

The team running The Narrow Boat have selected beers from a wide range of breweries, with a full list to be announced shortly. New bars will be set up in the pub to ensure 34 different lines of beer, and permission has been granted to use the outside area of the pub into the street itself.

Steel added: "We're really excited about the range of beers we'll have on, which we're sure will delight the regulars of the pub and visitors from further afield!"

The pub is encouraging those interested in the event to follow them on social media for updates.

For more details about the event, please contact:

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