After its £1 million development at Sandylands, Skipton Community Hub has opened its doors to the community after an anticipated wait.
The Skipton Community Sports Hub has opened the doors of its prestigious £1million development at Sandylands.
The new facility will serve as home for Skipton Cricket Club, Skipton Juniors FC and Skipton Ladies AFC, as well as being open for community use both as a bar and for venue hire.
Malcolm Birks, chair of the Skipton Community Sports Hub, said,
“It’s with a huge amount of pride that we’ve opened the doors of The Hub and the reaction to date has been a hundred percent positive.
The cricketers and umpires who used it for the last couple of weeks of the season loved it; it’s now busy on weekend mornings with the junior football season well underway; and is proving to be a popular watering hole for club members and the local community during its limited Friday night opening hours.”
The 3,500 sq. ft building, which replaced the cricket Pavillion that was demolished in February last year, and has been funded through grants from the Premier League, FA and Government via the Football Foundation; the England and Wales Cricket Trust (EWCT) and S106 anchor funding from Yorkshire Housing via Craven District Council.
Malcolm added,
“There were many challenges including inflationary pressures to overcome in pushing towards completion, and a big thank you has to go the Tarn Moor Trust for its much-needed support in recent months,”.
“And while there are still some finishing touches being made ahead of a full opening to the public, we are now inviting expressions of interest to hire the facilities.
He continued,
A handful of test events have been staged already with a fundraising walk in support of Dementia Forward starting and finishing at the Hub, as well as a fun activity team building day for a local business.”
“So, whether you are planning a family celebration, a business event or you are a local community group, please get in touch.”
The Skipton Community Sports Hub is volunteer led and the Charity Trustees are keen to bolster their ranks of enthusiastic volunteers.
With a number of roles available in the bar and kitchen, along with housekeeping, finance, marketing and social media.
Therefore, if you have a few hours available for charitable work each month, please get in touch with skiptoncommuniitysportshub@gmail.com