Skipton Parish Church of England Primary School has been rated 'Good' following a recent Ofsted inspection.
Inspectors visited the school on 18th and 19th June.
And a glowing reports has said that pupils are "happy at this caring and supportive school".
Inspectors also found the staff at the school have “high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)”.
Inspectors commented that children at the school "feel safe" and they noticed that wellbeing of both pupils and their families is treated as a priority.
Skipton Parish Church of England Primary School is a proud member of Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust and works closely with the trust team to provide an education which is ambitious for every child whilst striving to be a great place for staff to work.
Jane Goodwin Chief Executive Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust said:
“I am so proud of what this school has achieved as part of the Trust with the commitment and hard work of staff all pulling together for the benefit of our children.
"It is great that Ofsted have recognised Skipton Parish for the fantastic learning environment that it truly is”.
Lucy Peberdy, Headteacher Skipton Parish Church of England Primary said:
“The journey of our school from when it was placed in special measures in 2017 to now has been a long and challenging one.
"I am so proud to lead such a dedicated team, who share my determination to make our school a place where everyone is empowered to be the best they can be.
"I tried to explain to the lead inspector what it means to be 'Parish' and the only way I could come close, was by telling him we do everything from our hearts”.
The school is supported by a committed governing body, Chaired by David Portlock.
He said:
“It recognises the effort and dedication of everyone who is involved with Parish Primary School in providing excellent education and development for all of our children."