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The Coniston Hotel to host outdoor screening of Last Night at the Proms

The Coniston Hotel is hosting an outdoor screen of Last Night at the Proms (Image: The Coniston Hotel)

The Coniston Hotel near Skipton is set to host an outdoor live screening of the Last Night of the Proms.

It’s being held on Saturday 14th September, with guests treated to a traditional Afternoon Tea in The View Restaurant.

This will feature a selection of delicate finger sandwiches, freshly baked scones and an assortment of sweet treats.

Guests will then make their way down to the lakeside and settle in a deckchair or picnic blanket for the live broadcast of the Last Night of the Proms.  

A spokesperson for The Coniston said:

“A quintessentially British musical extravaganza renowned for its rousing performances and electric atmosphere.

“Bring your own deckchair or choose a VIP premium experience - which-ever you choose don't forget to bring your Union Jack flag (and maybe an umbrella as this event will go ahead what-ever the weather!)”

The schedule for the evening:

  • 4pm - Arrive for afternoon tea in The View
  • 6pm - Make your way down to the lakeside with your deckchair or picnic blankets
  • 6:50pm - Welcome from Mr Bannister
  • 7pm - Live Broadcast of The Proms begins
  • 10:30pm - Finish

Assistance dogs only are permitted on the grounds for this event.

Find out more and get your ticket here.

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