The Rotary Club of Skipton Craven’s 15th Great Skipton Santa Fun Run is set to take place on Sunday 24 November 2024.
At an event, held at the Skipton BID offices on 21 October, Lead Organiser Peter Ripley from the Rotary Club of Skipton Craven welcomed 30 guests to declare the official launch of the 2024 Great Skipton Santa Fun.
The run will start at 11.00am on Skipton High Street on Sunday 24 November, and which will serve as a precursor to the Skipton Town Council Christmas Lights Switch-on celebrations later in the day.
The first Skipton Santa Fun Run took place in 2010, comprising a 5km route around Skipton, starting and finishing in Aireville Park. 400 runners, joggers and walkers, young and old, took part in the inaugural event, and raised £18,500 which was distributed to local charities.
Last year’s event, saw the streets of Skipton turned red by 1848 Santas, running, walking and wheel-chairing 5km or 3km routes, starting from Skipton High Street and taking in Aireville Park and Skipton Woods before finishing back on the High Street -raising £49,668, bringing the total raised since 2010 to nearly £500,000.
Peter Ripley said,
“The Great Skipton Santa Fun Run has become an unmissable event on the Skipton Calendar. It now forms part of a complete day of Christmas fun, including the Christmas Lights Switch On, organised by Skipton Town Council.
He added,
We are extremely grateful to Louise Close and her Team, they are part of our Team and without their support the Great Santa Fun Run would not be the success that it has become.
Full details about the Great Skipton Santa Fun Run can be found on their website here.
The Great Skipton Santa Fun Run marks the start of the Rotary Club of Skipton Craven’s Christmas fundraising activities, which includes sightings of Santa at Morrisons or Tesco supermarkets and the Santa Sleigh, which will be doing the rounds of Skipton and surrounding villages between 4th and 19th December.
Further details will be published at the end of November.